Characters: Talon/Jeff, Org/Nick, Uriah/Leon, Grom/Oliver, Jobar/Henry. After a night will bellies full of giant frog legs, the party woke in the night to two ghouls shambling down the path. Arrows fired from the tower cut them down. Presently, a human scout named Jobar came running up, asking about ghouls he was tracking. He told a … “Cave Campaign #2 – Sling Bullet to the Back of the Head”
Cave Campaign #1 – That Ogre’s Not Coming in Here
This is the start of a new campaign run by Tre. Characters: Talon/Jeff, Org/Nick, Drazhol/Leon, Grom/Oliver. Talon is a half-elf ranger. Org is a half-ogre fighter. Grom is a half-orc barbarian. Drazhol is a human necromancer. They met at the gates of a city after hearing a call for people to come clear out monsters … “Cave Campaign #1 – That Ogre’s Not Coming in Here”
Ring of Animal Conversation
Found in the evil temple, this golden ring was chosen as personal treasure by Azrak. The setting contains a flat ruby inscribed with a black pentagram. Written inside the ring is the magical command work, Kojadeesay Besta. Within a moment of reflection, anyone holding the ring understands wearing the ring and speaking the command word … “Ring of Animal Conversation”
Session Report #27 – Ambushed by Ants
Characters: Tienarth (Tre), Ferris (Henry), Azrak (Nick), Ghevont (Jeff), Globo (Oliver), Nodo (npc), Antar (npc) Well rested, Tienarth’s Raiders again made the journey to the nameless dungeon, stopping overnight at the crossroads camp spot. Yazzi and his assistant were still there selling goods from their wagon. A few other travellers were camped out, too. The … “Session Report #27 – Ambushed by Ants”
Session Report #26 – Glitched Gargoyles
Characters: Tienarth (Tre), Ferris (Henry), Azrak (Nick), Ghevont (Jeff), Nebula (Audrey), Globo (Oliver), Nodo (npc) The party found Yazzi the merchant and his assistant camped out at the crossroads. Their wagon of goods, including a huge cask of ale, were offered for sale. They noted that owing to Tienarth’s Raiders, the road was generally safe … “Session Report #26 – Glitched Gargoyles”
Session Report #25 – Snakes versus Dwarves
Players: Tre/Tienarth, Henry/Ferris, Nick/Azrak, Jeff/Ghevont, Audrey/Nebula For two days, they camped in the tiny room behind the secret door, resting and healing. Then it was back down into the second level. The first room they found held four prisoners. These foolish people from the fort had come adventuring and were captured by bugbears. Nebula gave … “Session Report #25 – Snakes versus Dwarves”
20 Questions
Per twenty quick questions for your campaign setting: What is the deal with my cleric’s religion? There’s a state religion centered in a huge empire far to the east. They worship The Anointed One. The religion is relatively new, historically. It rose up soon after the appearance of undead. Only humans are clerics. The church considers … “20 Questions”
Session Report #24 – Why You Don’t Just Kick Down Every Door
Players: Tre/Tienarth, Henry/Ferris, Nick/Azrak, Jeff/Ghevont, Audrey/Nebula Where was Globo? The ever-reliable warrior was nowhere to be found, but Nebula returned and the party headed back into the dungeon. Ferris took the initiative to lead the party down through the ant nest entrance, down the stairs to the second level and deeper into corridors not yet … “Session Report #24 – Why You Don’t Just Kick Down Every Door”
Session Report #23 – Brilliant Benediction
Players: Tre/Tienarth, Henry/Ferris, Nick/Azrak, Jeff/Ghevont, Oliver/Globo Again, the party went back to the dungeon. At the camp spot, they met two amatuer adventures. Word was out about treasure in a dungeon now cleared out by Tienarth’s Raiders. The party tried to convince them of the danger, and the two fellows said they’d just tag along. … “Session Report #23 – Brilliant Benediction”
Session Report #22 – Bugbear Bugaboo
Players: Tre/Tienarth, Henry/Ferris, Nick/Azrak, Jeff/Ghevont, Oliver/Globo, Audrey/Nebula, Jared/Jed The session picked up immediately after the defeat of the giant lizards. Tienarth wanted out of the dungeon. They knew of stairs going up, so they made their way back up. They found no traps on the stairs and went up. They marched down a hallway and … “Session Report #22 – Bugbear Bugaboo”