Azrak in Mudstone Village

Azrak’s most prized possession, a magical ring called Sheebalb’s Blession, went missing. In Ghevont’s magic mirror they saw a burly gnoll rip the ring off of the finger of a dead dwarf bearing a beetle insignia. Noting the ongoing war between gnolls and dwarves, Azrak headed south in search of the ring. Some time later, … “Azrak in Mudstone Village”

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Session #99 – At last, Talanashta!

It was the tenth day of the twelfth month, that one called Dawn, when the small party felt well-rested and ready to travel to Tosasth once more. The past couple of weeks, Ghevont had spent a few hours gazing into his mirror, watching Azrak’s progress as he traveled south into the realm of the mountain … “Session #99 – At last, Talanashta!”

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Session #97 – Zombie Minotaurs

In the morning, a dwarf riding a massive boar approached camp. He was Hevrik Gravelfoot, a bounty hunter looking for an escaped dwarf murderer named Thuvil. He refused an offer to join their continued raids into Tosasth, and he hoped his prey had not fled there. He described it as an ancient evil perpetrated by … “Session #97 – Zombie Minotaurs”

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