After a night in Muleshoe, it was obvious that Azrak was ill. A savage bite from a weretiger swelled and oozed green puss. They rode back to the homestead near St. Orlan. The next day Ghevont performed a ritual to cure him of disease. They all agreed to put aside adventuring for several weeks to … “Session #62 – Elven Entombment”
Malcolmsfort #10 – Roast Bugbear
Huddling in cool, rancid crypt, they were woken by shouts approaching the cemetery. Novak dismissed the cowardly hobgoblins suddenly screwing up the courage to assault the former ghoul homes. He cracked the door and spotted three familiar forms jogging between the stones, calling “Novak! Domestaet!” It was the three companions they left as they fled … “Malcolmsfort #10 – Roast Bugbear”
Session #61 – Centipede Suffering
As the first sun of the month of the Octopus rose over the hills, Anauk arrived at the homestead. He brought a gift and an invitation. Wrapped in cloth was a new suit of plate armor fit for a dwarf, a gift from Bremlai. The invitation was to meet Bremlai at midnight two night hence … “Session #61 – Centipede Suffering”
Session #60 – Kill All Enemies
The kind people of Muleshoe allowed the party to rest in a barn for a few days, healing with magic and time. It was a welcome respite as the Month the Snake brought chilling nights and the warning to let loose attachments. On the third day, a messenger rode from Slateholm by way of St. … “Session #60 – Kill All Enemies”
Session #59 – Rust and Rest
Like the bellows of a great furnace, Azrak’s lungs drew in the damp cave air and then expelled clouds of frosty breath. He glanced at the puncture marks on his right arm still oozing from the giant scorpion strikes. His labored breathing was only half from the effects of shrugged-off poison. The other part was … “Session #59 – Rust and Rest”
Malcolmsfort #9 – Half-killed by Hobgoblins Again
The foolish people of Malcolmsfort let go the sheep-stealing half-men. Novak shrugged at the town people’s reverence for the savages who’d come from the west to hunt domesticated animals. Anyway, he knew there were hobgoblins that needed to be exterminated. He had little time for the river community that refused to take his warning of … “Malcolmsfort #9 – Half-killed by Hobgoblins Again”
Session #58 – Invisible to the Inquisition
Through the months of Juniper, Fire and Elephant, the team trained in Slateholm. Near the end of their stay, the potions master once again rolled his wagon into town for a drinking contest. They last saw him half a year before. Several of the party made attempts that ended quickly in vomit. In Slateholm, they … “Session #58 – Invisible to the Inquisition”
Session #57 – Vampire Vanquished
Tienarth gazed into the crystal ball and watched Ghevont trudge through deep grass over hills and down into dark valleys. Presently he recognized the shape of St. Orlan on the horizon. The party headed back to meet up with Ghevont. They stored the teleporting portrait in the cellar of their new homestead, still being renovated … “Session #57 – Vampire Vanquished”
Session #56 – Portrait or Portal
Standing in the dim light of the top chamber, Azrak spun to the sound of grinding stone. The door to the tomb slowly began to raise. Without a moment’s thought, he dashed out the doorway and watched it slam closed. Hoping he hadn’t trapped his friends, he repeated the pushing of buttons to match graves … “Session #56 – Portrait or Portal”
Session #55 – Grim Graveyard
After a cold breakfast of rations, the party waded into the swamp, picking high ground as they could but occasionally stepping into ankle-deep murk. They left the halfling at the manor to watch over the horses, and so they were Tienarth, Ferris, Azrak, Ghevont, and Aderian plus newcomers Darthorian, Scenwolf and Mygnak. Having spied the … “Session #55 – Grim Graveyard”