After a night at home, the Raiders returned to the Irinduis tomb to explore the rest of the caves. They began with the passage clogged with vegetative debris. Aderian pulled out rotting moss and clear a small hole, perhaps one foot across. Presently, he faced the clacking jaws of a giant centipede. Moments later, it … “Session #69 – Sacred Stones and Bothered Bones”
Author: Leon
Malcolmsfort #15 – Out, Ogres, Out!
Following is another report from the trident-wielding warrior, Novak. Details, such names or the distinction between elf and half-elf are largely lost on the barely-literate Novak. More learned comrades of his might relate a more coherent narrative. The following account was the best history preserves. After a month’s rest in Malcolmsfort, Novak decided they ought … “Malcolmsfort #15 – Out, Ogres, Out!”
Session #68 – Black Knight Battle
After a night spent at home at the Jonamor Estate, the party went back out to find the Irinduis tomb that the elven cleric Rellora told them was a mere two miles away. A few hours of hiking in verdant hills brought them to a dead, leafless oak beside a sheer cliff face. An 8×8 … “Session #68 – Black Knight Battle”
Session #67 – Investigating Imelel
Advice from Lah Before leaving for home, Lah offered some advice on battling spectres, four of which remained to guard an unopened grave back in the Artalwel tomb. He first noted the use of the light spell placed on the eyes which blinds even incorporeal foes. Bless and bane offer some advantage. Tienarth considered his … “Session #67 – Investigating Imelel”
Malcolmsfort #14 – Cleaned Out
The ranger had a hunch that the corpses filled with rot grubs were worth looting, despite the danger. The skull elf rubbed his hands over treasure he imagined there. So, they returned to the room. This time, the magic elf cast a spell to make the worms fall asleep. Despite some fear, the ranger crept … “Malcolmsfort #14 – Cleaned Out”
Session #66 – Again Into Artalwel
Week after week passed at Lah’s Retreat as they rested and planned another visit to the Artalwel tomb. Meanwhile, Bottoms engaged in robust training. In conversation with Lah, Ghevont learned that the two missing rubies for his mirror were known to still be in Morgansfort. They also heard of war breaking out to the south. … “Session #66 – Again Into Artalwel”
Malcolmsfort #13 – Death of Bolcox
Novak, the elf, the cleric and Bolcox found themselves in an octagonal room with a door on each wall. They shouted up the slick tunnel from which they’d tumbled when stepping on a trap door. From above, the half-elf and the dwarf called back. With them were the elf’s two hirelings and another elf the … “Malcolmsfort #13 – Death of Bolcox”
Session #65 – Angry Artalwel Apparitions
During their period of rest during the month of Dawn, two adventuring elves arrived at the homestead. Tucknee forsook his wealthy merchant family to study the ways of the thief. Bottoms was the brother of the deceased Darthorian. Both responded to rumors about recent delves into ancient elf graveyards. They offered assistance in hopes of … “Session #65 – Angry Artalwel Apparitions”
Malcolmsfort #12 – Don’t Touch Corpses
After a healthy rest and time of training, Novak’s friends made ready to return to the ancient monastery to kill any remaining hobgoblins. The big elf hired two swordsells to protect him and to replace the thief they’d rescued and the fighter with the broken arms, Irving. They marched half a day, stopping to talk … “Malcolmsfort #12 – Don’t Touch Corpses”
Session #64 – Leaving with Loot
Having narrowly escaped death, Tienarth’s Raiders camped outside the cave to mend wounds. On the second night, a horde of zombies shuffled out of the forest. Ghevont turned many. A lightning bolt from Tienarth’s finger blew up four zombies in a line, painting the trees with putrid blood and viscera. When all foes were silences, … “Session #64 – Leaving with Loot”