State of the Campaign c. 5548

It’s been nearly three years since the previous report on the state of the campaign. Time in the game and the real world has been synchronized. Session #112 ended a long struggle to tame Tosasth. Since that time, we’ve played another 76 sessions.

The Story So Far

After all the portals in Tosasth were closed, Tienarth’s Raiders rested for some time, but soon returned to the Tosasth Valley to explore Doukreg. They cleared out a shrine and formed a mining partnership with Grubbycheek. They cleared out a vault filled with traps. Along the way, they picked up a few new members: Nate the paladin, Ollie the dwarf, and Saul the druid. A few others drifted in and out, notably Florida the dwarf and Roddy the bounty hunter who scored a girdle of giant strength.

Azrak essentially retired to be the chief of a goblin tribe. Meanwhile, many expeditions were made into the Tosasth Valley where the party explored a castle and raided an estate where they picked up Hocuspo. In the western side of the valley, they destroyed a lair of spiders. They mistakenly murdered a powerful wizard, but Lah resurrected her as well as Hocuspo. Tunnels were found under the ruined tunnels. Back in Tosasth, they found some undead remained, including a vampire called Ithusar and a skeletal giant. A major sandstone quarry was discovered, and Nate planned a temple to Nebro.

In late Spring of 5547, they were plagued by strange dreams, followed by an attack of giant bugs. This lead them to newly-opened tunnels beneath Doukreg. Adventurers of all types were being called to explore the dungeon, including Turgon Ogremaster, a black bearded wizard. They encountered loadstars for the first time. The dungeon was filled with bugs, automatons and strange devices. Ferris and Nate both succumbed to deadly poison gas but were resurrected by Lah. This caused a change of faith in Nate. He gave up worship of Nebro for the Anointed One.

Back in the tunnels, a fearsome mechanical monster called The Collector killed Hocuspo with fire. He was resurrected once again. Even worse, Tienarth’s prized wand was destroyed in the fire. They continued their campaign to search the tunnels for the beautiful woman trapped in the capsule seen in dreams, and as winter took hold, they found Arianna. She appeared as a god-like being, and she took them directly to Slateholm and out to sea. She had convinced them of a dire threat to the entire world that could only be averted by use of the Neh Rod.

On Bedmer Island, they found Silverfish Imperetrix, who through his dark lens might locate the Neh Rod. The lens was acquired from the dragon of Bedmer by paying a hefty sum. Then Arianna revealed that a special ring must be assembled from three parts in order to enter the Workshop of the Telescopes where the lens could be used. The first fragment of the ring was to be found on an island where dwelled a lich. Two encounters with the lich did not go well. Nate was killed again, but fortunately was brought back by Zhargrave, a powerful cleric rescued from the lich’s captivity.

From a tapestry hanging in the lich’s tower, they figured another fragment could be found on another island, which they soon found. Meanwhile, they discovered The Naked Isle, where elves frolicked in innocent nudity. There they cleared out a tower ruled by gogglers. Jerker was gravely injured by goggler spellcasting and cowardly attacks. At the conclusion of the fifth month of 5548, a tomb on Hestrin Island had been partly cleared.


Tienarth’s Raiders remain at sea, using The Naked Isle as a home base. They own a caravel named The Garlic Frog, captured from pirates. They are Aderian, Ferris, Jerker, Nate, Ollie, Saul, Tienarth, Urgesh and Ylindar. They have a small crew of three dwarves and two elves. Zhargrave has undertaken a project to build a temple as he converts the elves to worship of the Anointed One. He has more than enough money to complete it, employing a tenth of the island population on the project that will complete by the end of the year.

The lich Carrasthinian keeps a ring fragment in his tower, but he presents a formidable challenge. The tapestry on his wall shows four islands, one of which has been located and identified at the final resting place of Hestrin. Another ring fragment is there. The third ring fragment is on one of the other two remaining islands.

Back in St. Orlan, the power structure remains unchanged. Sheriff Bremlai still runs the town with the protection of two mysterious figures, and people are forbidden from entering the swamps north of town. Hopeful adventurers still camp at the homestead despite Tienarth and the Raiders being gone for half of a year. Some relief came with the news of the end of the civil war, but this was followed by dread of the thought of mercenaries loose in the area with no promise of payment.

Gnolls having conquered the dwarven kingdom to the south now infiltrate the nearby mountains. A bounty is paid for their ears. A new group of adventurers variously lead by the halflings Joai and Merder have made several expeditions to clear out gnoll hideouts.

Opportunities for Adventure

Mysteries and unfinished explorations remain for adventurers to pursue if they so choose. The following list, in no particular order and certainly not exhaustive, may inspire more detailed plans.

  1. The gnoll threat south of St. Orlan remains, as do many lost ruins and landmarks. Can a sturdy band of inexperienced adventurers stop the gnoll threat?
  2. If the three ring fragments can be assembled, they will allow passage into The Workshop of the Telescopes. Can the pieces be retrieved? Can Arianna and Silverfish be trusted?
  3. Long ago, Urgesh and others made an expedition into an underground temple of built by giant worms. A giant pit with a spiraling stair descended into darkness. What might be found there?
  4. Why are gogglers everywhere?
  5. Many ships and monsters are found in the southern seas. Taking ships has been easy for Tienarth. The cargo and ships may be valuable. Can a buyer be found?
  6. Tosasth Valley still remains mostly unpacified. The road to the sandstone quarry is relatively safe, but the rest of the valley is still inhabited by monsters. How will it be pacified? Will some brave entrepreneur get the quarry operating for the benefit of St. Orlan or some lord seeking to build a castle?
  7. Tosasth itself still harbors wandering undead, though many of them have escaped into the larger area. The ruins of Tosasth cry out for rejuvenation and resettlement. What horrors lurk in the sewers? Will Rellora’s people return to claim the city as their own?
  8. The whereabouts of three vampires are still unknown: the beautiful Talanashta, the hideous Pelinor Elixidor and the crucified Ithusar. Do they wait patiently in hidden tombs, or are the executing fresh campaigns of terror?
  9. The black knight Imra Herrel indicated he’d leave Tosasth. Where has he gone? What became of the ghost called Petfaren? His home was crushed by Molokotu.
  10. A mysterious door in Germek’s mine was never opened. Access from the surface was blocked by collapsing the entrance shaft. Why? Is there something valuable behind that door?
  11. Are the secret societies whispered about real? (Night Lepers, The Returners, The Ears of the Lord, The Order of the Hound, The Unalloyed, The Spectre Society, The Elders of the Expansive Waterway.)
  12. Can the sunken ship known as The Scarlet Blade ever be found? Where is the temple where the body of Ghot rests, clutching his obsidian scythe? What wealth might be generated by recovering the secrets in iron mine of Noss?

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