Malcolmsfort #14 – Cleaned Out

The ranger had a hunch that the corpses filled with rot grubs were worth looting, despite the danger. The skull elf rubbed his hands over treasure he imagined there. So, they returned to the room. This time, the magic elf cast a spell to make the worms fall asleep. Despite some fear, the ranger crept … “Malcolmsfort #14 – Cleaned Out”

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Session #66 – Again Into Artalwel

Week after week passed at Lah’s Retreat as they rested and planned another visit to the Artalwel tomb. Meanwhile, Bottoms engaged in robust training. In conversation with Lah, Ghevont learned that the two missing rubies for his mirror were known to still be in Morgansfort. They also heard of war breaking out to the south. … “Session #66 – Again Into Artalwel”

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