Saints, Gods and Demons

Saints of the Church

St. Orlan

Saint Orlan is known for resisting many temptations in his journey west after he rose of the Eastern Ocean on the head of an octopus. (The month of Octopus is named after him.) Along his path, undead arose to tempt him with powers and treasure, all of which he refused. When he reached the shores of the western ocean, he battled the lich Putah and was burned to ash that scattered to the wind.

St. Jaludi

The bones of Saint Jaludi summon his spirit, and they are powerful against Undead.

St. Bredayn

St. Bredayn, who first discovered how at first light of day his prayers could be transferred into the pearls for later casting.  St. Bredayn discovered the Pearls of Mordune, God of the Sea and Storms, husband of Harael.  People would come to call the pearls after St. Bredayn.

St. Irevia

Saint Irevia is associated with candles that ward off undead.  She is an imperial version of Harael, Goddess of the Dawn.

St. Antolin

Staves of Healing bear the name of Saint Antolin.

Gods of Western Lands (Ultam Oceanum)

The Anointed One

Primary god worshiped in the eastern empire and in its colonies


A cult worshipped in the western lands, but outlawed as Heretical by the Empire. It’s core belief is that Nature is essentially good, but some aspects were created by evil gods or the father of the Anointed One. Known clerics have been human, elven, and halfling.

The World Tree

Elf God also worshipped by Druids and Treants. Embodiment of Nature itself. Found in many ancient elven places (Tosasth, Graveyard, Lost Elven Tombs). Elves built churches like the cathedral of Tosasth meant for worship of The World Tree. The Order of the Oak and Mistletoe, a druidic cult, flies a banner with an oak tree.

The Great Forge

Dwarf god.


Goddess of the Dawn. Wife of Mordune. St. Irevia is an imperial version of her, rebranded as a Saint of the Anointed One. Associated with the candles that ward off undead.


God of the Sea and Storms. St. Bredayn may be an imperial version of him. Associated with magical pearls, which operate in association with first light of dawn.


Name Honnin give to their Goddess of Death.  Actually a demon once worshipped by the elves named Aishapra.


God of the Honnin, associated with the North Star.


God of the Lizardmen who’s great shrine is lost, but his many other temples are uncovered near St. Orlan and in the jungles far to the south.


Ancient Bat Goddess.  Associated with Rings of Protection.


God of Death and name of the Underworld where Haderax resides in large castle. Phakta must bargain with him to return souls (though priests of Annointed One do not). He was worshipped by half population of Tososth. Allegedly created Vampirism and/or undeath. Three judges of Haderax’s realm interview all those who arrive there: Aikoss, Raddimansosth and Minok.

Tienarth uses Haderaxian spells discovered in Tosasth. Hocuspo invokes the Healing power of Haderax despite being faithful to The Anointed One.

Demons worshipped in the Ultam


Marilith demon worshipped by the elves long ago.  The Honnin call her Kali, the Goddess of Death.


Demon worshiped by the ancient elves.  Sometimes written Molock or Moloch. Still worshiped by humanoids in the Sumar who call him Pagnar Parkas. Sometimes written Pagnyr Parkus.

Gods of the Southern Seas


Capable of Healing (Restoration) and Reincarnation. Bargain with Haderax? Seems to care about Animals and Life. Demands living sacrifices.


Imprisoned in cave reached through a portal in at the top of a tower on the Naked Isle. Silverfish called him a lesser god. Appears as a giant python.


“The leaf god”.


“The dwarf god”.


“The pig god”.