This was an abbreviated session due to Jeff’s unexpected absence. Immediately following the escape from the tomb, they wondered about Longstream’s increasing paleness. Suspecting disease, they returned to St. Orlan to consult an herbalist. She performed a procedure the induced him to vomit, only to conclude he was under a curse. They wound their way … “Session #71 – Meandering Towards the Mine”
Author: Leon
Malcolmsfort #17 – Battle for Untala
Following is another report from the trident-wielding warrior, Novak. Details, such as names or the distinction between elf and half-elf are largely lost on the barely-literate Novak. More learned comrades of his might relate a more coherent narrative. The following account was the best history preserves. After a few days to rest, they used the … “Malcolmsfort #17 – Battle for Untala”
Malcolmsfort #16 – Kicking Assassin Butt
Following is another report from the trident-wielding warrior, Novak. Details, such as names or the distinction between elf and half-elf are largely lost on the barely-literate Novak. More learned comrades of his might relate a more coherent narrative. The following account was the best history preserves. Having just killed the Norker king, they followed stairs … “Malcolmsfort #16 – Kicking Assassin Butt”
XP Bonuses
New house rules: XP Bonuses.
Malcolmsfort #16 – Norkers
Following is another report from the trident-wielding warrior, Novak. Details, such names or the distinction between elf and half-elf are largely lost on the barely-literate Novak. More learned comrades of his might relate a more coherent narrative. The following account was the best history preserves. News came to Malcolmsfort about norkers attacking a nearby town. … “Malcolmsfort #16 – Norkers”
Session #70 – Black Knight Bites Back
With loot cataloged, Tienarth retreated to his study in the small house to pour over the magic texts. Meanwhile, the halfling warrior, Longstream was given instruction by Aderian and Azrak. A week later, both elf and halfling seemed stronger, more able. Ferris spent time reading over the three books they’d taken away from the Irinduis … “Session #70 – Black Knight Bites Back”
Session #69 – Sacred Stones and Bothered Bones
After a night at home, the Raiders returned to the Irinduis tomb to explore the rest of the caves. They began with the passage clogged with vegetative debris. Aderian pulled out rotting moss and clear a small hole, perhaps one foot across. Presently, he faced the clacking jaws of a giant centipede. Moments later, it … “Session #69 – Sacred Stones and Bothered Bones”
Malcolmsfort #15 – Out, Ogres, Out!
Following is another report from the trident-wielding warrior, Novak. Details, such names or the distinction between elf and half-elf are largely lost on the barely-literate Novak. More learned comrades of his might relate a more coherent narrative. The following account was the best history preserves. After a month’s rest in Malcolmsfort, Novak decided they ought … “Malcolmsfort #15 – Out, Ogres, Out!”
Session #68 – Black Knight Battle
After a night spent at home at the Jonamor Estate, the party went back out to find the Irinduis tomb that the elven cleric Rellora told them was a mere two miles away. A few hours of hiking in verdant hills brought them to a dead, leafless oak beside a sheer cliff face. An 8×8 … “Session #68 – Black Knight Battle”
Session #67 – Investigating Imelel
Advice from Lah Before leaving for home, Lah offered some advice on battling spectres, four of which remained to guard an unopened grave back in the Artalwel tomb. He first noted the use of the light spell placed on the eyes which blinds even incorporeal foes. Bless and bane offer some advantage. Tienarth considered his … “Session #67 – Investigating Imelel”