After a night of rest, Ferris worked on the hidden door to free the bar holding it fast on the other side. Using his specialized skills, and working around the disability of his injured shoulder, he was able to gain access back to the stairs to Dinfaldir. Returning to the dwarven village, they made for … “Session #85 – Return to Revelry”
Author: Leon
Session #84 – Longstream Loses a Leg
In the dim light of a Tosasth morning, sky perpetually overcast, Aderian looked out from the second story window of the ancient Galmire estate. He squinted across the open field of ragged weeds to the other nearby mansion, the one from whence came the skeletal lady the previous night. Before resting, they resolved to leave … “Session #84 – Longstream Loses a Leg”
Session #83 – Going for Galmire’s Gold
The moment the last ghoul dropped to the ground, they heard a loud glop and where Azrak stood was now Longstream, ankle deep in black goo. The magic of Tosasth once again rearranged reality. Looking in Buildings Looking around, they wonder where next ought they explore. A fine sign hung before a tavern, displaying the … “Session #83 – Going for Galmire’s Gold”
Session #82 – Cathedral Collapse
Moments after reappearing in the cathedral, a low rumble transmitted up through boots to throb eardrums. The green fire was gone from pentagram carved into the basalt floor, now no more than a grave marker to the sacrificial elven cleric in some unreachable realm. Suddenly, the scene jerked sideways, then snapped back, then jerked in … “Session #82 – Cathedral Collapse”
Session #81 – Diabolical Doorway Disabled
After stepping into the burning pentagram, they fell as through a long tunnel. One where time stretched and contracted and vague shapes rushed past. Glimpses of angels and devils in the periphery pulled focus and vanished when directly upon they looked. Just as a weary feeling of uneasiness settled in, they felt solid rock beneath … “Session #81 – Diabolical Doorway Disabled”
Session #80 – Corrupted Cathedral
They were determined to make for the cathedral seen from a distance, and to avoid a slog through a undead-infested city. So, Aderian lead them out of the smithy, circling around the outskirts in the counter-clockwise direction. They aimed to stay in the dry grass, at least a hundred yards from any building. At one … “Session #80 – Corrupted Cathedral”
Session #79 – Tosasth Found
The party took time to rest and recreate for about a month in the dwarven tradepost of Kegh Boldur, drinking large quantities of ale and passing out each night in the flop room of The Rusty Axe. Ghevont applied strong healing to himself, slowly regaining his health after the wounds suffered from the clay golem. … “Session #79 – Tosasth Found”
Session #78 – Kegh Buldohr
Using the violet key, they gained access to another room on the first floor. In an adjoining closet, they found a fine longbow which Ferris took up. They spent little time searching, for Ghevont’s wounds were not healing and Aderian suddenly felt quite ill. He lay in the bed in this newly-opened room while they … “Session #78 – Kegh Buldohr”
Session #77 – Amazing Acrobatics
Displaying amazing acrobatics during combat, Longstream and Ferris ultimately defeat a bone golem, though the halfling nearly paid the ultimate price. Battered from battle, they retreated back to the first level, locking the door with the green card. They prepared for rest, eating another portion of dwindling rations. After some sleep and prayer, Ghevont offered … “Session #77 – Amazing Acrobatics”
Session #76 – Godawful Gogglers
After some debate whether to rest, continue exploring or retreat, they decided to complete the search of the first level. When they’d gathered all members and the elves following them, they noticed the halfling Logstream was unaccounted for. Noting the tendency of the little folk to wander off, they thought no more of it, assuming … “Session #76 – Godawful Gogglers”