Ghevont and Jerker found the hidden door that led to Dimfaldir, and then they marched on to Kegh Buldohr where they found Dayhve the Fishmonger, uncle of Raffi and Riffle. Riffle happened to be present with Longstream to hear the sad news of Raffi’s death. After delivering the body and their condolences, the cleric and … “Session #108 – The Despair and Retirement of Ghevont the Cleric”
Author: Leon
Session #107 – Assault on the Residence of Celaena Wysaphyra
Aderian and Jerker, weary from battle and the effort to repair the breach in the wall made by the fleeing gnolls, shuffled through the door of the manor and flopped down on ancient sofas. They smelled of old horse hair and more recent gnoll musk, but the combination of exhaustion and the dwindling daylight made … “Session #107 – Assault on the Residence of Celaena Wysaphyra”
Session #106 – The Mountain Manor of Elab Jarr
On 21st day of the month of Angel, Anauk, priest at the temple of St. Orlan asked Stoyk to deliver a letter to Father Lionel in Milltown. Along with him came Tenren and Ganna, the elven druid. Having no horses, they walked down to Slateholm where they stayed for a night and then walked another … “Session #106 – The Mountain Manor of Elab Jarr”
Session #105 – Kick Down the Door
It was now the afternoon of the 27th day of the 3rd month. Tienarth’s Raiders had destroyed three gnoll encampments. One of them Tienarth destroyed on his own with a wall of fire. They debated immediate action versus resting to regain strength and health. Aderian wondered if they might drive the undead towards the fourth … “Session #105 – Kick Down the Door”
Session #104 – Gnoll Assault
For five days, Ferris made scouting trips into Tosasth under an invisibility spell, returning a few hours after dark. He was able to determine that gnolls indeed occupied three camps blocking the ancient roads. Each camp consisted of twenty gnolls plus a priest and a captain. The majority slept through the day and rose at … “Session #104 – Gnoll Assault”
Session #103 – Bring Me the Bitch, He Said
When they woke up on the 17th day of Dawn, they found a soft dusting of snow over the Jonamor Homestead, a rare but not unknown event for winter near St. Orlan. Unlike years past, though the snow did not relent and soon several feet covered everything. It was the beginning of a particularly cold … “Session #103 – Bring Me the Bitch, He Said”
Azrak in Doomwood Swamp
Azrak couldn’t argue with the logic that searching in the village would be safer, but he wondered about the prospects of finding a ring stolen by a gnoll within the confines of a dwarven village. He had little time to ponder this riddle as presently a cry went out from the edge of Mudstone village … “Azrak in Doomwood Swamp”
Session #102 – Black Pudding Barbecue
Ghevont stomped back into the shrine room, goggler blood spattered on his minotaur armor. The battle had ended poorly for the gogglers and for York, one of the young warriors sent by Bremlai to spy on Tienarth’s Raiders. Yet sentimentality was never their custom, and they spent no more than a few moments in thought … “Session #102 – Black Pudding Barbecue”
Azrak in Mudstone Village
Azrak’s most prized possession, a magical ring called Sheebalb’s Blession, went missing. In Ghevont’s magic mirror they saw a burly gnoll rip the ring off of the finger of a dead dwarf bearing a beetle insignia. Noting the ongoing war between gnolls and dwarves, Azrak headed south in search of the ring. Some time later, … “Azrak in Mudstone Village”
Session #101 – The Incineration of the Vampire Called Nimue Sylnan
Aderian looked out the window of the scriptorium while the others flipped through old papers. He spotted four figures move cautiously from an alley. A moment later, he realized they were not undead. They were humans who somehow had ventured into the extreme danger of Tosasath. The former pirate called to them and beckoned them … “Session #101 – The Incineration of the Vampire Called Nimue Sylnan”