Session #195 – Mauled by Molok Maniacs

Having returned to the Naked Isle the day before (9/1), the party resolved to set out the next day for Carrasthinian’s island. They conferred with Zhargrave, who once again declined their invitation to come along. He did agree to another ceremony where he communed with an angel of the lord. He explained that another miracle for the people would be good as a counter balance to the distasteful sacrifice performed by the druids. Ollie for this part, told Jerker that he could not participate in any ritual for the Anointed One because he was now devoted to Phakta.

Presently, the faithful were gathered at the partially-constructed temple. It was now about a third of the way towards completion, with a foundation and a roof but no walls. Zhargrave began to pray. Clouds swiftly rolled over the sky. A solitary beam of light broke through and illuminated the altar. An angel descended. Most of the worshipers averted their eyes. Jerker relayed ten questions that he wished to know, and Zhargrave put the questions to the angel.

  1. Is the holy fragment still in the necromancer’s tower? Yes
  2. Does the evil necromancer expect us currently? Yes
  3. Is he currently watching us? No
  4. Is the evil necromancer carrying the ring fragment on his person? No
  5. Is the ring fragment in an area we haven’t been yet? Yes
  6. Is there a portal or passageway into a room that has the fragment? No
  7. Is the ring fragment in another plane of existence? No
  8. Does he have allies that we didn’t face before? Yes
  9. Can he see invisible at will? No
  10. Is his first plan to strike with a fireball while invisible? No

With the last question answered, the angel rose back into heaven. No time was lost, and they quickly assembled at the wharf to board the Garlic Frog. They were Ollie, Saul, his Lion, Urgesh, Aderian, Jerker, Tienarth, Hocuspo, Nate, Ferris, and Elaria (Jerker’s wife). Additionally, their crew of elves and dwarves numbering ten were on hand to sail the small vessel. Saul’s orca swam beside the ship.

That first day, they encountered a gang of mako sharks, otherwise harmless except that they chose to attack the orca. Stones were thrown from the ship, as were magic missiles. Saul killed two sharks with bolts of lightning.

The next day (9/3), the winds died out. The crew set to rowing, which slowed progress. Otherwise, this day was uneventful.

On the third day (9/4), they neared the island, but with all attention focused on Carrasthinian, they were caught unawares as a large longship approached at full speed. It was only a hundred yards away when Urgesh spotted it and called out. The ship flew no flag, but the figurehead was a wicked carving of the demon Molok. A crowd of men stood on the deck, each holding crossbows which they fired, blanketing the Garlic Frog in deadly bolts.

Eight of the crew were struck down. One bolt struck Elaria as well. Tienarth and Hocuspo both transformed into dragons, gold and red respectively. Elaria let loose a lightning bolt that blasted through many of the attackers who threw down their crossbows and drew swords.

Urgesh hurled a barrel of lamp oil onto the approach ship where it spread over the deck and splash many of the enemy. He followed up with a stone that struck the hull. Saul dove into the water and began casting a spell. Hocuspo and Tienarth swooped down on the enemy.

The attacking ship was moments away from ramming the Garlic Frog broadside. Saul used a warp wood spell to open up a huge gash into which seawater rushed. The ship slowed considerably. Meanwhile, Ferris hurled a self-igniting flask of oil that ignited the voluminous oil. Many of the sailors died instantly. Tienarth and Hocuspo flew to the back of the attacking ship and attempted to slow it with beating wings to little effect. Then, the two ships collided.

The armored prow dug into the side of the Garlic Frog, spraying splinters into the air. And then the enemy hurled themselves over onto the deck, slashing with cutlasses. “To the death!” cried the captain. Bloodthirsty pirates surged forward, swinging indiscriminately. All but one of the crew were outright killed. Elaria, though invisible, suffered a slash. She quickly retreated below deck.

Aderian grabbed the captain from behind, squeezing mercilessly. Jerker knocked him unconscious with a well-placed blow. Jerker continued his mission to knock out as many pirates as he could, but the bloodthirsty crew turned on their own. The captain was stabbed through the gut by a pirate who called out, “they’ll not take us alive!”

In the end, two unconscious pirates remained among the bloody dead. These were taken up by Saul and made into sacrifices to Phakta. He struck them with his flail and tossed their bound bodies overboard. Meanwhile, the ship itself sank below the waves, having taken on much water from the open hole.

Of the crew, only Mulisma survived. Owing to her dour and fatalistic attitude, she lamented that she hadn’t perished along with the rest of them.

Before disposing of the rest of the dead, Ollie produced his ring and quizzed the body of the pirate captain.

  1. Were you hired by Carrasthinian? No
  2. Have you been on the isle of the lich? No
  3. What isle do you hail from? Sileg’s Cove on the island of Manaway.
  4. Where is your treasure buried? “Well, I suppose me treasure is davey jones locker.”

Now they were in a dangerous position, for most of the crew were dead. It did not seem feasible to make an assault on the tower in this condition, so they agreed to limp home. There were enough of them to operate the ship, so they raised the sails and made for the Naked Isle once again. Arriving three days later (9/7).

End Notes

  • Days
    • 9/2 – 9/3 At sea
    • 9/4 Attacked by Molok worshippers
    • 9/5 – 9/7 Return to the Naked Isle
  • Treasure: none
  • Combat: 3740 xp
    • 6 Mako Sharks 240 xp each
    • Level 5 Fighter (captain) 360 xp each
    • 3 Level 4 Fighters (mates) 240 xp each
    • 34 Level 1 Fighters 25 xp each
    • 37 normal men 10 xp each
  • Characters (10 shares of 374 xp each)
    • Aderian (human, fight) 415 xp
    • Elaria (hireling) 187 xp
    • Ferris (human) 411 xp
    • Hocuspo (hireling) 187 xp
    • Jerker (human, fight) 415 xp
    • Nate (human, fight) 415 xp
    • Ollie (conformist, fight) 381 xp
    • Saul, Lion, Orca (at sea, ritual) 381 xp
    • Tienarth 374 xp
    • Urgesh (half-human, outdoors, fight, strength) 404 xp
  • Ships
    • The Garlic Frog (Caravel)
      • Crew/Passengers: 10/ 25
      • Hit Points: 60/75
      • Cargo: 30 of 75 tons
      • Food: 64 man/weeks (half ton)
      • Water: 4760 gallons (20 tons)
      • 2 tons of sugar, 2 tons of cocoa, 5 tons of lamp oil (34 barrels, 7 barrels/ton)

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