
Zhargrave, a middle-aged cleric whose swept-back locks and beard were threaded with streaks of gray, was a cleric with great experience as an adventuring cleric for the church. He was sent on a mission by the church to follow up on dreams many had of a lady trapped in a glass capsule. He’d explored the same tunnels under Doukreg visited by Tienarth’s Raiders, apparently arriving sometime after them. Following up clues he found by speaking with the dead, he ended up at Carrasthinian’s island where he was promptly captured.

Tienarth’s Raiders rescued him from the Carrasthenian’s tower. After arriving at the Naked Isle, he performed the miracle of communion, which impressed many of the native population. Soon, he had a sizable following drawn from the native elves and sailors who’d abandoned Ephor. Zhargrave took inspiration from this event and began building a temple on the island.