As the sun was setting on the 12th night of the month of Clover (3/12), Urgesh, half-orc barbarian, arrived at the river camp. He pulled a crumpled paper from his boot and explained that he’d thought they needed a map of Tosasth. It was a rough drawing prepared by Ghevont in years past that showed … “Session #146 – A Giant Skeleton Playing a Lyre”
Author: Leon
Session #145 – Ithusar, the Crucified Vampire
In the morning of 2/23, Aderian came up with the idea of adding a door to seal up the room below the ruined tower. This proved an impractical task with no tools or materials. They packed up and headed back to St. Orlan and on the way hatched a plan to begin brewing that underground … “Session #145 – Ithusar, the Crucified Vampire”
Session #144 – Bugbears and Bad Bugs
As the party paused to consider the ruined village (afternoon of 2/22, hex 1210), Ollie arrived with several other raiders in tow. Ollie had been resting at the tower, gorging himself on smoked boar meat when he had a feeling that something remarkable would happen, then Saul returned from half a year in the wilderness. … “Session #144 – Bugbears and Bad Bugs”
Session #143 – An Elven Cleric of Nebro and a Halfling Druid
On the 19th of Frog (2/19), A elven cleric of Nebro arrived at the tower. Nate was glad for the company of another of his faith. She called herself Mirana Silverleaf and held a silver shield decorated with a green oak leaf. Not long after she arrived, a halfling with a staff introduced himself as … “Session #143 – An Elven Cleric of Nebro and a Halfling Druid”
Session #142 – The Hidden Dungeon Beneath the Ruined Tower
The second month of the year is called Frog, and on the 10th day, a Aderian, Ferris, Jerker, Ollie, Nate and Azrak set out for the ruined tower, once again in search of the rumored sandstone quarry. Tienarth remained with Hocuspo at the homestead. Their trip to the tower and the river camp the next … “Session #142 – The Hidden Dungeon Beneath the Ruined Tower”
Session #141 – The Murder and Resurrection of Merilla
Having recently returned from Tosasth with a healthy reward for the killing for the spider lord Mettik, the raiders took time to rest. The gold recovered was split eight ways with one share of 4,750 gp each given to Aderian, Azrak, Ferris, Hocuspo, Jerker, Nate, Ollie, and Tienarth. Aderian fetched the trident he’d commissioned. The … “Session #141 – The Murder and Resurrection of Merilla”
Session #140 – Delivering the Head of the Spider Lord
Stepping back from the shaft, the party took considerable time to proceed in their fight with the spiders. They puzzled over the geography of the caves and wondered if there might be another way into the chamber at the top of the shaft. Hocuspo used clairvoyance to look through the eyes of the spider-folk. He … “Session #140 – Delivering the Head of the Spider Lord”
Session #139 – Dragon Munches on Monstrous Spiders
The action on 12/1 continued inside the spider cave. Aderian slid down the rickety ladder into the darkness, followed close behind by Jerker, Ferris and Azrak, who had shown up in the cave as the bugbears were killed.. Tienarth, still in dragon form, waited at the top of the shaft, uncertain how to descend without … “Session #139 – Dragon Munches on Monstrous Spiders”
Session #138 – Another Portal to the Realm of Haderax
After a night in the ruined monastery, Tienarth healed Jerker, then transformed into a hawk to survey more of the valley while the rest of them nursed their wounds. The thief Permiscuous found his way to the camped party and was interested to investigate the cave. Azrak and Ollie weren’t interested in doing anything. To … “Session #138 – Another Portal to the Realm of Haderax”
Session #137 – Blinded by the Light Spell
Jerker, Nate, Azrak and Aderian returned from the swamp, covered in muck and convinced that the edict to stay out of it was probably made with good intent. Three of four of the creatures fought dealt poison which was made more significant by not having Ferris and his collection of anti-venom. Still, they considered the … “Session #137 – Blinded by the Light Spell”