Standing in the dim light of the top chamber, Azrak spun to the sound of grinding stone. The door to the tomb slowly began to raise. Without a moment’s thought, he dashed out the doorway and watched it slam closed. Hoping he hadn’t trapped his friends, he repeated the pushing of buttons to match graves … “Session #56 – Portrait or Portal”
Author: Leon
Session #55 – Grim Graveyard
After a cold breakfast of rations, the party waded into the swamp, picking high ground as they could but occasionally stepping into ankle-deep murk. They left the halfling at the manor to watch over the horses, and so they were Tienarth, Ferris, Azrak, Ghevont, and Aderian plus newcomers Darthorian, Scenwolf and Mygnak. Having spied the … “Session #55 – Grim Graveyard”
Malcolmsfort #8 – Half-killed by Hobgoblins
They crawled through the hole in the wall to find a beautiful fountain. Its pristine condition compelled them to drink. Novak felt a surge of confidence (+1 CHA). Bolcox felt his muscles bulge (+1 STR). Hacksaw, too, gained strength. The half-elf and the cleric were struck with paralysis. The other elf felt the blessing hands … “Malcolmsfort #8 – Half-killed by Hobgoblins”
Malcolmsfort #7 – Skewered by Skeletons
After tying up the hobgoblins, Novak led the team out to explore the grounds. They observed the pool and tested its steaming water, finding it to be uncomfortably hot. Beside the pool was a ruined bathhouse. The elf thief stumbled on giant centipedes which they destroyed with no casualties. Picking through the ruins, they found … “Malcolmsfort #7 – Skewered by Skeletons”
Malcolmsfort #6 – Hobgoblins on Holy Ground
Well-rested, and newly trained, Novak set out on the ferry to lead his merry band of treasure-seekers back into the forest. He chose a different path this time, climbing a tall hill that offered a view of lower country beyond. From that vantage, they spotted a glade and perhaps a building of remarkable size. They … “Malcolmsfort #6 – Hobgoblins on Holy Ground”
Session #54 – Fighting Fake Fiends
Tienarth brought forth the deed to the Jonamor estate found in the crypt where they battled the vampire. He showed it to the innkeeper and inquired about the location. The tale in town was that it was abandoned perhaps 50 years ago by the Jonamor family. Sometime afterwards, the place was considered haunted. Straight away, … “Session #54 – Fighting Fake Fiends”
Session #53 – Healing and Hunting
The Raiders limped back to the city of St. Orlan, avoiding dangerous encounters in their vulnerable state. From the high priest at the temple they sought restoration and attained it via a generous donation which went to offset the rededication of the once-defiled church. Anauk, whom Lah sent to restore the holy ground a year … “Session #53 – Healing and Hunting”
Malcolmsfort #5 – Ants, Ghouls and Goblins
“First watch,” announced Novak as he squatted next to the campfire. The others bedded down for the night in the meadow near the road, but before they closed their eyes, giant ants emerged from trees, attracted by the smell of honey. One ant grabbed the cleric’s backpack. Another snatched a bag from the elf. A … “Malcolmsfort #5 – Ants, Ghouls and Goblins”
Malcolmsfort #4 – Hacked Up Hobgoblins
“Uh,” grunted Novak as he pointed at a trail leading out of the meadow. The ranger announced his acceptance of Novak as the party leader, which an outsider might have regarded as foolish, given the fighter’s profound lack of intellect. Yet, his supreme combat ability, as is often the case, made him a natural leader … “Malcolmsfort #4 – Hacked Up Hobgoblins”
Malcolmsfort #3 – Bad Bees
Novak and his companions took the bound wildmen across the river where a crowd quickly gathered. Villagers gawked that the once-mythical men of the woods. Soon, guardsmen arrived and the wildmen were handed over. A wizard of an eastern race approached and inquired about the jeweled blowgun Novak took from the chief. He offered to … “Malcolmsfort #3 – Bad Bees”