Session #211 – Fiery Devils Guard the Tomb

With Beoll-Dur liberated, Tienarth’s Raiders set sail for the Naked Isle once again. During the journey, the magic users worked on identifying potions and other magical items found in the dwarven monastery. The items included two potions of healing, 2 potions of extra healing (3d8+3), oil of slipperiness, 2 vials of poison, plus potions of flying, diminution, levitation, gaseous form and polymorph. The magical battle axe was handed to Bale Shezzar. Ollie kept the magic bastard sword taken from the ogre.

Tienarth scried the green dragon fought weeks before. Over a few days he was able to make a crude map, including some secret doors used by the lizard men who kept two pets: a giant snake and a giant lizard. The dragon nested on a huge pile of gems, jewelry and coins.

Jerker gave Ghavont his lighter-than-silk chainmail shirt taken from the Doukreg dungeon. He also gave him 200 gold to buy any basic supplies he needs when they returned to the Naked Isle. “Here Ghavont, this chain should protect your skin and make you comfortable while doing so!” Ghevont ran a hand over the chainmail. The metal so fine it felt like woven silk between his fingers. He didn’t speak at first, just turning the armor over in his hands, tracing the links with a careful touch. Then, as if remembering himself, he cleared his throat.

“Well,” he said, his voice oddly stiff, “I suppose it’s a good thing I saved Jerker’s hide so many times.” He let out a short, forced chuckle that didn’t quite reach his eyes. There was something unspoken in the pause that followed, a weight behind his words that he quickly tried to smother. Before anyone could question it, he shifted the conversation, glancing at the dwarven mace that Urgesh gave him. “Urgesh always did have a taste for a good, solid weapon,” he mused, turning it over. “I guess he thought I’d put it to use.” His grip tightened slightly, then loosened just as fast, as if he caught himself thinking too much.

With a quick shake of his head, he lifted the chainmail with an easy shrug. “Light,” he noted, almost to himself. “Should move well in it.” He left it at that, neatly tucking whatever else he might have said behind a casual nod.

Jerker patted Ghevont on his back smiling before saying, “Think nothing of it old friend! Merely a means to pay you back for our time together. I worried my letters never reached you and feared the worst.” The face of the warrior grimaced momentarily. He thought for a moment, then continued. “We have much to get you caught up on… But that can wait for now.” Jerker rubbed his chin. “We have wine in the ship! We should celebrate your return!” Elaria patiently raised a brow surveying the two, having heard much of the priest from her husband. Realization slowly dawned on the jubilant Jerker. “Oh… Oh! Yeah, I married, this is erm- This is my wife! hahah!”

Sometime later, Jerker talked about how he had hoped to ask Ollie to converse more with the dead azer head, but all trace of the azer left along with the wish to banish the salamanders. Ghevont watched Jerker carefully, his expression troubled. After a long pause, he finally spoke, his voice measured but firm. “You would call out to the dead, but to what end? Do you think they linger, waiting for your voice to reach them? The dead are gone, Jerker. Their time is over, and ours is still unfolding.“ He taook a slow breath, his gaze steady. “If the world held all the answers, we would not still be searching.”

A day or so later, Ghevont shared a few details about his time away. He admitted to being part of the failed rebellion in the empire. And he expressed some gratitude for being rescued on the day he was to be executed.

Back Home

When they were back home, there was much talk about dividing loot, and Bale demanded his share taken from Beoll-Dur. Irenduel, Aderian’s magic bag, suggested he didn’t want to give up all the coins and gems he held. After some complaining about no effort being used to restore him to original (elf) form, he relented. His bitterness over a wish not being used on his behalf stung Urgesh somewhat.

In the finally accounting, there was 13,259 gp worth of loot saved up before the trip to Beoll-Dur. This was divided into seven parts. The loot taken from Beoll-Dur totalled 52,990 gp and divided by eight, one share being given to Bale Shezzar. Shares from each totals were set aside for Saul, who was still nowhere to be found (1,894 gp and 6,623 gp).

After dividing loot, a short search was made for Urgesh. They found him at the pier, still somewhat put off by the bag’s accusation of not using a wish on his behalf. They convinced the half-orc to come to the tavern for an ale and to speak with Silverfish. The old wizard agreed to come along with the part to Sentinel Island, since he was essential to the process of using the lens, but he said he’d only come onto the island when they were sure they could gain entrance to the workshop. Bale Shezzar asked to come along for the thrill of adventure, not asking for a share of any treasure.

Ghevont arrived at the tavern in a white robe and blue cloak. He’d outfitted himself well enough, and indicated he wasn’t particularly interested in man to man combat. He offered to heal their wounds.

The next day (2/8), they set out to the northeast, planning to swing south to avoid Green Dragon Isle. The party included Aderian, Jerker, Elaria, Ollie, Tienarth, Hocuspo, Nate, Urgesh, and Ghevont. Ferris remained on the island. Saul was still out somewhere in the ocean.

The voyage was mostly uneventful. Urgesh caught a bumper, which he released back into the water. A longship filled with privateers flying the flag of Anointed One (a purple cross on a white field) was met. Bale calmed potential aggression over The Ranger not flying a flag, but his own vessel flew a flag of the empire. Two other ships were seen flying the flag of the empire, and after four days (2/13), their destination was seen.

Sentinel Island

All this time, Urgesh had been wearing the ring, the ring reforged by way of the wish granted by the efreet. He’d noticed a few weaknesses. His magical strength was no longer there despite wearing the girdle. He also could not walk on water, and fire burned is hand. The ring was clearly nullifying the magic of his items. Still, he insisted on wearing the ring at all times. Some suggestion was made to let Ghevont hold the ring, an idea Urgesh declared as “stupid”.

When they last visited the island, they could see how dangerous underwater rocks might smash any boat that approached. That time, Saul’s orca helped guide a longboat between the rocks. This time, they resorted to Tienarth and Hocuspo transforming into dragons who could carry them to dry land. As planned, Silverfish, Bale and Ghevont remained on the ships while a smaller force went ashore.

Urgesh hurried towards the black circle of devastation rather than for the entrance to the underground complex. Jerker and Aderian followed him, contemplating whether to stop him or not. The barbarian stepped experimentally into the circle. He claimed to experience nothing unusual and reasoned that the ring was protecting him. With that test complete, they all went to the entrance that was formerly opened up. It remained as it was weeks before. They walked into the darkness to face the wall of force again. The two dragons remained outside, being to large to fit through the 10′ passage.

Urgesh quickly found that the wall of force offered no resistance to him. In fact, the whole wall seemed to disappear as he came in contact with it. This allowed the rest of them to pass through into a 20-foot passage that opened into a small room. Aderian began to cross the room and presently innumerable mouths appeared on the walls, gibbering and wailing. Jerker responded by bringing forth his magic cube.

Aderian shrugged off whatever effect the voices had, crossed the room and went partway down a dark passage. Urgesh followed. He passed through the cube’s wall momentarily, opening a hole in it. The rest of them (Elaria, Ollie, and Nate) crept at a slow pace, huddling next to Jerker. The passage led to a room with the decayed remnants of a living space. The cube was deactivated.

Presently, three devils appeared in a puff brimstone. They attacked immediately by casting spells. Jerker succumbed to a hold spell. Ollie responded by grabbing the fighter and dragging him to the rear. Elaria stepped in front of him and cast a haste spell. A short melee ensued. The devils delivered viscous blows on the elf maiden before she applied mirror images, and one of them managed to summon another ally. Nate’s aura against evil helped them avoid any mind-controlling spells from the devils, and before long, they were all banished back to whence they came.

A search was made of the room while Jerker remained frozen. Elaria found a tattered journal in which there were clues about how the ring was the key to opening ways deeper into the complex. Urgesh tapped the ring on walls until a secret door opened to the east. They waited for most of an hour until Jerker recovered, then they walked carefully down the passage. It ended in the crypt with dozens of sarcophagi in the walls. Two more were laid open and smashed on the floor.

A strong feeling of resistance permeated this crypt, and no exit was seen. Elaria and Jerked expressed feeling of vulnerability. They convinced the party to retreat to the ships in order to heal and regain spells. Outside, Tienarth and Hocuspo ferried them back to the ships for the night.

End Notes

  • Days
    • 1/25-1/28 Sailing back to Naked Isle
    • 1/29 – 2/7 Downtime on the Naked Isle
    • 2/8 – 2/12 Sailing
    • 2/13 Arrive at Sentinel Island
  • Treasure:
    • none
  • Combat: 2835 xp
    • 3 Devils 945 xp each
  • Characters (7 shares of 405 xp)
    • Aderian (human, fight, lead) 454 xp
    • Elaria (hireling) 203 xp
    • Ghevont (present but not active)
    • Hocuspo (hireling) 203 xp
    • Jerker (human, fight) 450 xp
    • Nate (human, fight) 450 xp
    • Ollie (underground, fight) 413 xp
    • Tienarth (hireling) 405 xp
    • Urgesh (half-human, fight) 429 xp

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