After retreating from the crypts, the party went to the former ogre lair where they figured to be safe from any disturbances. Getting out required a key kept by Ollie. He went out at times to fetch fresh food and water during the week. Nate prayed and was granted a spell of purification, so that on the 24th (1/24), they all went back to the steam room to test a theory. Nate purified the water in the pool, which immediately returned the water weird to ordinary water. This allowed Urgesh to strip down and swim through the tunnel.
On the other end of the tunnel was small room, empty of effects except for a book he was unable to read. He took it and went through the only door. In an adjoining room was rough-cut tunnel heading north. Before following it, he made a thorough search of the two rooms.
Meawhile, the party waited in the old barracks (minus Ollie, who was outside somewhere). They were surprised by a group of Azer with a hellhound. The fire-headed dwarves rushed upon the two spellcaster, burning them badly. Hocuspo and Tienarth both made themselves invisible while the fighters stepped into melee. Nate killed the hellhound in one blow. All four Azer were slain as well. And the paladin offered Hocuspo healing afterwards.
The half-orc barbarian crawled through the tunnel, which ended in a trap door in the floor. He lifted the door away to look down forty feet to the entrance, just outside the portcullis. He was able to swing over to the bars and climb down without harm. Soon he was back with the rest of the team, somewhat disappointed that he wasn’t able to join in the fight.
Bale Shezzar took the book from Urgesh and read through the pages. The first part of the book described the events of salamander invasion. A group of dwarves fled through the pool, setting up the water weird as an extra precaution, a proof against the salamanders following them. They survived for some time in the two rooms while a tunnel was dug to make their escape. The passage chronicle a long battle in the halls of Beoll-Dur, and how the salamander were lead by king called Searazul who was protected by his “Peerless Legion”, his elite warriors. The book also described the stairs (already discovered) that descend from the second level, built sometime after the earthquake that opened the fissures that connect to the salamander king’s chambers.
The second part of the book was a series of illuminated scripts, dwarven holy spells that might only be used by a cleric or a clever thief. The book closed with a prayer to the dwarf god Magrit. Bale asked if it ought to be read aloud and all but the elf were enthusiastic for hearing it. As Bale began to read, a soft glow rose from the the pages and engulfed them all.
By the Forge of Magrit
Oh, great Magrit, Father of the Forge, hear our prayer!
Bless these brave souls who wander the dark and delve the deep,
As they seek the salvation of our holy place.Grant them the strength of the mountain, unwavering and firm,
May their weapons be as sharp as the pickaxe of our ancestors,
Their armor as tough as the ore from which it was forged.Bestow upon them the wisdom of the ancient smiths,
To navigate the labyrinthine caves and the perils beneath,
Let their minds be clear, their judgments sound as true steel.May their hearts burn with the eternal flame of the forge,
Courage undimmed by the dark, hope unmarred by despair,
For every challenge overcome, a new testament to their valor.Guide their steps back to the light, to the warmth of the hearth,
Where tales of their deeds shall echo through the halls,
Like the hammer’s song on anvil, loud and proud.In the name of Magrit, we pray,
For strength, for guidance, for the glory of adventure,
As the glow faded with the last words, they each felt a little bit stronger, smarter or wiser. (+1 to a prime stat). Bale tucked the book into his pack.
Then, they moved south to find a room with benches and an armory protected by a portcullis. It was easily lifted to allow access, though this evidently broke a gear inside the wall. A short look over the weapons and armor produced few interesting details. Urgesh took up a dwarven mace and bolas. Aderian found an iron wheel, clearly meant to raise and lower the bars. He ripped it from the wall to use as a projectile if the need arose.
From the room with the benches were two passages, each blocked by a portcullis that raised and lowered whenever someone approached. Beyond were ramps going down in to an arena. Three gates from the arena held back three monsters: the pyrohydra formerly fought and now revived, a minotaur and a small bird. Two other entrances were found in the southeast and southwest corners of the arena, which was hexagon-shaped. Eventually, they left the area alone and went to ask Duinor, the glowing pillar, about it.
Duinor made vague statements about the arena be a place to test strength, and they were discouraged from interacting with it further. Instead, they headed west to investigate the chapel again. In particular, they wanted a second look at the room behind the pulpit. There, as before, was a hideous beastman statue standing before a pentagram drawn out on the floor. Aderian declared it evil, smashing the statue to the floor. Presently, a cloud of brimstone announced the arrival of a demon.
This foul creature stood twenty feet tall on the legs of a goat. Muscular arms sprouted from a ape body from which tiny wings fluttered. On top was the head of a boar that roared with pure hatred. The three fighters rushed at it. In the moments before it was defeated, it seemed to call for help, but it was no use. Urgesh delivered the final blow, and the demon disappeared as it came, in a cloud of odorous smoke.
In his estimation, Urgesh concluded the entirety of the first level was explored. It was time to move to the second level. It was not time for another mad dash into battle with the salamanders. He lead them down the stairs that once were clogged with brown mold. Doors directly opposite were flung open to show a large gathering hall. A lectern and two tables offered little of interest, but Aderian’s search revealed a secret door. He and Jerker headed down a long passage behind it. The statue of a happy dwarf could just barely be seen at the other end.
As the two fighters passed the midpoint of the hall, the floor tilted downward. From outside, the party watched the floor tilt upwards, completely blocking the passage. Meanwhile, Aderian and Jerker tumbled down off the end of the floor into a skeleton-filled room. Many unfortunates, no doubt, perished in this trap. But Jerker was quick with his new helmet. He grabbed Aderian’s hand and they teleported back into the ogre lair. Ollie was there to let them out, and they made their way back to join the others.
Urgesh declared it a typical, devious trap produced by dwarves and not worthy of further investigation. They moved down the hall to the east and came into what was likely an infirmary. In one of the rooms, they found bandages and a small collection of potions. Labels once attached had fallen off. The labels said “healing” (2), “extra healing” (2), “slippery” (1) and “poison” (2). Urgesh took them all.
In another room was a two-side alter before a painting of a two-headed, godlike dwarf. One head appeared kind and benevolent. The other head appeared malicious and evil. The purpose of this room could not be understood, though a good search was conducted.
Meanwhile, as the other loitered in the first room full of beds, a group of Azer approached. There were three of them, each handling a hell hound. Jerker stepped into the hallway and produced the cube of force. It quickly expanded to fill the entire hallway. The Azer rushed forward and were stopped, as the cube was blocking living matter and their hammers could not reach Jerker. He stabbed at them with his spear.
One of the Azer jumped on the back of his hellhound and rode off. The other two persisted for some time. Magic missiles were sent against the two remaining hellhounds. They uselessly pushed against the wall, only breathing fire once. When the battle seemed hopeless for the flaming dwarves, they turned to flee, urging their remaining hound to keep fighting. With Jerker’s cube blocking the hall, none could give pursuit until they were out of view.
Finally, attention returned to the infirmary, and a round room with black circle set in the floor. On the wall was a grid of jewels, smashed into shards. Jerker turned on his cube once again and stepped on the black circle. Nothing remarkable occurred. Urgesh, made an attempt himself. As he stepped on the black circle, he disappeared!
End Notes
- Days
- 1/18 – 1/23 – Resting in the Beoll-Dur ogre lair
- 1/24 – Exploring Beoll-Dur 1st and 2nd levels
- Treasure:
- 7 unknown potions
- Combat: 5555 xp
- 7 Azer 280 xp each
- 4 Hellhound 610 xp each
- Demon 1765 xp
- Characters (7 shares of 794 xp)
- Aderian (human, fight, strength) 889 xp
- Elaria (hireling) 397 xp
- Ferris (human) 873 xp
- Hocuspo (hireling) 397 xp
- Jerker (human, fight, strength, guard rear) 897 xp
- Nate (human, fight) 881 xp
- Tienarth (avoid combat) 802 xp
- Urgesh (half-human, action-oriented, fight, strength) 858 xp