Testing the Cube of Force

Jerker and Elaria experimented with the Cube of Force during their downtime (10/12). They traveled to the edge of the village where few could be hurt by a stray bit of magic, out to the garlic fields. No farmers were working that day.

“This idea will get you killed Jerker! I don’t want to zap you!”, said Elaria.

“It will probably be fine. Just fire your bolt so that you would only clip the edge of the cube and you wont be hit with a ricochet,” replied Jerker, nervously chuckling.

Jerker removed his gear besides simple clothing and the cube of force and then set the cube to stop all non-living matter. Elaria backed up 55 feet. She could see the edges of the translucent cube as if it were thick glass. She casted a lighting bolt spell at the edge of the cube, so that if it passed through the corner of the cube, missing Jerker. “This is to see if the lighting bolt counts as magic or non living matter.” declared Jerker. The lightning bolt passed through the wall of the cube and fizzled out. The lightning bolt spell was not blocked when the cube was active for face number 2 (non-living matter).

“What if we figure out if you are effected by fire? Or, rather heat I suppose?” Jerker mused.

Elaria then lit a torch, held it to the edge of the cube to see if Jerker feels radiant heat through the non-living matter barrier. Jerker carefully moved his hand to the edge of the barrier. He clearly felt the heat.

“I’m more interested to see if anything will push me over for walking into it honestly…” muttered Jerker.

Jerker then attempted to walk up to and closely pass a bush to see if he is physically impeded in his movement at all by the foliage or flora with the cube still blocking non-living matter. The bush passed through the wall of the cube. He realized the bush was alive. As he moved forward a bit more, the cube bumped up against a rock. He strained a bit, and even without his magical strength, he was able to push the rock forward. The rock was not living, and it could not pass through the wall of the cube.

“What if I turn it to this setting now?” Wondered Jerker. He set the cube to stop living matter and repeated the previous experiment. Now the cube blocked the living bush, bending it down as he pushed the cube against it. The rock was unaffected, passing through the cube wall.

“Alright, that’s been an experience. Lets see if I can actually effectively hit something with this cube side up.” Jerker said as he continued to experiment. Elaria handed him a stick the size of a sword. The stick, though once alive, was no longer so. It passed easily through the wall of the cube when third face (living matter) was active. He could hold the cube with one hand and a weapon in the other, effectively swinging a long stick past the edge of the cube. He realized that most weapons would not reach outside of the cube, though a polearm like a halberd would.

Next Jerker set the cube to stop the effects gasses and wind. He attempted to feel any radiant heat of a torch through the edge of the barrier from Elaria’s torch. Indeed, he could feel the heat. Elaria noticed the fire of the torch passed through the wall of the cube when it was on face number 1, blocking wind and gasses. She passed the entire torch to Jerker. The cube was soon filled smoke coming off the torch. He quickly deactivated the cube.

The next day (10/13), they continued the experiments. This time Jerker blocked magic. Elaria tried casting haste. The spell had no effect on Jerker, who was inside the cube. The magic was blocked. Then Jerker switched the cube to block living matter. Elaria attempted to make the wall of force produced by the cube invisible with a spell. This produced no effect.

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