Raise Dead

As written in the BFRPG rules, the raise dead spell imposes a loss of a full experience level, dropping the XP total to the minimum total for the previous level. This is harsh and unprecedented in old school games. We use the following spell description instead.

This spell restores life to a deceased humanoid (as defined in charm person). The caster can only raise a being that has not been dead for more days than the caster has levels. The spirit of the target of this spell must be willing to return. If the target’s spirit is trapped or contained in any way, the spell will fail. It will also fail if the target died of old age, as the body simply has no life left in it.

The body of the target must be adequately intact to support life, but all wounds no matter how major are healed. Body parts missing when the target is raised are still missing afterward. Normal poison and normal disease are cured in the process of raising the subject, but magical diseases and curses are not undone.

Undead creatures are not affected by this spell, as they can no longer be returned to life in any normal sense.

Upon being raised, the target has 1 hit point per level or hit die (using its current reduced figure, of course), with a minimum of 1 hit point. A character who died with spells prepared has none prepared upon being raised.

The reverse of this spell, slay living, will kill instantly the creature touched (which may be of any sort, not just a humanoid) unless a save vs. Spells is made. If the saving throw is successful, 2d6 points of damage is dealt to the victim instead. An attack roll is required to apply this spell in combat.