When a player character goes to zero hit points or below, as a result from an effect that didn’t already provide a saving throw, roll 2D6 and consult the following table. Add the constitution bonus to the roll. Divide the current hit points by the character’s level and add it to the roll. That makes it 2D6 + CON BONUS + (HP/Level). The effects of negative hit points fades as a character goes up in levels.
You may use the generator for these results.
All Save vs Death rolls below use the character’s CON bonus, positive or negative.
Surviving characters immediately suffer 1 point of damage to the stat listed in the hit location table below. This damage is permanent, reversible only by certain spells. The cleric spell restoration can reverse the loss of ability score. Regenerate can restore severed limbs and similar physical deformities. A wish may reverse all conditions.
2d6 | Result of Deadly Blow |
2 | Instant Death! The PC suffers multiple and extensive injuries, expiring immediately. |
3 | Fatal Wound! The wound is fatal, but the PC won’t actually die for another 1d20 x 10 minutes. Only a wish can stop the impending hand of doom. Make a Save vs. Death to determine if the PC can remain conscious. Even so, the PC can do nothing more than speak or crawl slowly. Roll for Hit Location. If the killing blow was to a limb, it is useless or severed. Blows to the eyes blind the PC. Blows to the ears deafen the PC. |
4-5 | Severed Body Part! The killing blow has separated a limb or other body part from the rest of the body. Blades make clean cuts. Crushing weapons turn flesh and bone to mush. Puncture wounds sever a major blood vessel, causing the limb to become paralyzed and to later shrivel and die. Other types of damage, such as fire or acid, burn away flesh over a large area to produce a similar effect. In all cases, the limb is lost without magical regeneration. Roll for Hit Location. If the hit location is the skull or neck and the character wears no helmet, treat this result as a roll of 2 (Instant Death). If the hit location is the trunk (chest, back, gut), and the character wears no armor, treat this result as a roll of 3 (Fatal Wound). Otherwise, the character will die of bleeding in 1d6+2 rounds. Make a Save vs. Death to determine if the PC can remain conscious. If the hit location is to the trunk, a large chunk of flesh is destroyed. Skin may grow back over the wound, but it will always look grotesque. The area is permanently weak, and any later blow to this spot will instantly kill the character. Bleeding characters may be saved with healing magic, a tourniquet, or cauterization with fire, except that cauterization will not stop bleeding caused by burns. Surviving characters require 3d6 weeks to recover. Until this time, the character can do nothing more strenuous than walk or speak. |
6-7 | Broken Bone! The killing blow has shattered the bones indicated by a roll for Hit Location, producing an audible snap or grinding sound. In some cases, the broken bone may be protruding from the flesh. The PC falls unconscious for 1d20 rounds unless a Save vs. Death Ray is made. If the hit location is the head and no helmet is worn, Save vs Death Ray or fall into a coma. Otherwise, the bone heals after 3d6 weeks, during which time the limb cannot be used. Characters with broken legs or feet cannot stand or walk. Comatose PCs remain in the coma until the bone heals. Broken bones of the arms, legs or chest reduce carrying capacity by half. If the hit location is the the back, the character is permanently paralyzed and unable to walk. If hit location is the chest, broken ribs will prevent strenuous activity for the duration of recovery. A broken bone of the gut ruptures an internal organ. |
8-9 | Knocked Out! A blow to the head had rendered the PC unconscious for 1d12 rounds, unless no helmet is worn, in which case treat as a Broken Bone. Roll for location. After regaining consciousness, the PC wakes up with 1d4 hit points. |
10-11 | Stunned! The PC is stunned for 1d4 rounds as a blow to the head dislodges the helmet, which tumbles 2d6 feet away. If no helmet is worn, the PC is knocked unconscious for 1d12 rounds. Stunned PCs experience dizziness, ringing in the ears and blurred vision. Movement is halved. Ability bonuses are reduced to -3 for Dexterity, Intelligence, and Charisma. Attacks suffer a -4 penalty. After regaining consciousness, the PC wakes up with 1d4 hit points. |
12 | Rage! A raging fury pushes back against the injury, returning the PC to 1d4 hit points. When combat ends, hit points are reduced to zero, and the PC faints for 2d6 rounds. If a PC achieves this result for a second time during a single combat, a berserker effect is produced similar to a potion of heroism. The PC gains a +3 attack bonus and 3d8 temporary hit points for the duration of the combat. |

1d100 | Hit Location | Stat |
1-10 | Top of Skull | INT |
11-13 | Back of Skull | INT |
14-23 | Right Skull | INT |
24-33 | Left Skull | INT |
34 | Eyes | INT |
35 | Nose | WIS |
36 | Ear | WIS |
37 | Mouth | CHA |
38-41 | Neck | CON |
42-49 | Right Chest | CON |
50-57 | Left Chest | CON |
58-64 | Right Back | STR |
65-71 | Left Back | STR |
72-80 | Gut | CON |
81 | Groin | CON |
82-86 | Lower Back | STR |
87 | Right Shoulder | STR |
88 | Right Arm, Upper | STR |
89 | Right Arm, Lower | DEX |
90 | Right Hand | DEX |
91 | Left Shoulder | STR |
92 | Left Arm, Upper | STR |
93 | Left Arm, Lower | DEX |
94 | Left Hand | DEX |
95 | Right Thigh | STR |
96 | Right Knee | DEX |
97 | Right Foot | DEX |
98 | Left Thigh | STR |
99 | Left Knee | DEX |
100 | Left Foot | DEX |
Azrak, a 2nd level fighter, has 3 HP and is struck for 5 HP, making his new HP total -2. Azrak has 15 CON, so he will add +1 to the roll. Azrak is 2nd level, so he takes -2 and divides by 2, making -1. The +1 CON bonus cancels out the -1 adjustment for going into negative HP. Azrak rolls a 7. He’s got a broken bone. It’s his right arm. He also rolls a save versus death and fails. He’s knocked out for 13 rounds. When he wakes up, he will be able to do nothing beyond walk, and his carrying capacity is halved.
Resurrection or Reincarnation
Dead characters may be resurrected by clerics or reincarnated by magic users. Either specialist is likely to ask for at least 2,500 gp. Clerics will also require the character to complete a quest.
February 20th 2018 Revisions
- Apply stat damage
- Handle severed limb of chest or gut
- Handle broken back and rib
- Add detailed locations for head and trunk
February 28th 2021 Revisions
Hit locations revised based on real war statistics.
March 16th 2024 Revision
Added qualifier “as a result from an effect that didn’t already provide a saving throw”. This extra chance to cheat death does not apply if you already failed your save vs poison breath from a golem, for example. It does not apply if you died in a fireball, regardless of whether you made or failed your save. It does not apply if you are paralyzed by a ghoul who then rips your throat out. It’s a chance to survive from a physical attack in battle.
Clarified what permanent means: “This damage is permanent, reversible only by certain spells. The cleric spell restoration can reverse the loss of ability score. Regenerate can restore severed limbs and similar physical deformities. A wish may reverse all conditions.” Heal is not sufficient as that spell only addresses diseases that someone could heal from naturally.
Adapted from Troll and Flame’s Deadlier Death and Dismemberment