Clerics of any faith might be granted these spells after much attentive prayer and devotion. Though knowledge of these rituals may be shared, patron deities only offer them after a personal sacrifice.
Armor of Faith
Cleric 1
Range: Touch
Duration: 2 Rounds + 2 per Caster Level
This spell is effective only upon those individuals of the same faith as the cleric, who are also wearing metal armor. The spell temporarily imbues them with holy might, turning them into “holy warriors” with hit point and Armor Class benefits based on the caster’s level. The cleric casting the spell can affect one person for every two levels of experience (round up), to a maximum of 5. For example, a 3rd level cleric can affect two, while a 9th level cleric could affect 5. The spell duration is two rounds, plus two rounds per caster level.
This rarely-known spell may only be learned through prayer in a holy sanctuary, such as Lah’s Retreat.
Caster’s Level | Hit Points Below 0 | Armor Class Bonus |
1-2 | -5 | 1 |
3-4 | -6 | 1 |
5-6 | -7 | 1 |
7-8 | -8 | 2 |
9-10 | -9 | 2 |
11+ | -10 | 2 |
Holy warriors fight without penalty at negative hit points, but if they go below that number, they die immediately with no chance save from death. Holy warriors at negative hit points following the spell expiration return to zero hit points and immediately roll on the death table.
Cleric 1
Range: self
Duration: 1 hour/level
The beneficence spell surrounds the Hypnost cleric in an aura of mystical harmony and wisdom. All who see him recognize him as a holy man of virtue and kindness and many are predisposed to treat him in a friendly and respectful manner. The spell gives the priest a bonus of +2 to encounter reaction rolls with most NPCs and creatures. Only those who are sworn enemies of him, his race, his class, or what he represents are immune to the effects of the spell. Nor does the spell work on creatures that have no understanding of his position or role. Thus, the spell is unable to affect the reactions of a den of tigers or a group of bandits wailing to waylay the unwary. It can, however, affect the reactions of a group of peasants or a village full of bandits.
Beneficence does not deprive those affected of their free will and does not cause them to instantly follow the suggestions of the priest. Their reactions are improved for every day dealings, not for very unusual events.
Calm Animals
Cleric 1
Range: 25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels
Duration: 1 minute/level
This spell soothes and quiets animals, rendering them docile and harmless. Only ordinary animals (those with Intelligence scores of 1 or 2) can be affected by this spell. All the subjects must be of the same kind, and no two may be more than 30 feet apart. The maximum number of Hit Dice of animals you can affect is equal to 2d4 + caster level. A dire animal or an animal trained to attack or guard is allowed a saving throw; other animals are not.
The affected creatures remain where they are and do not attack or flee. They are not helpless and defend themselves normally if attacked. Any threat breaks the spell on the threatened creatures.
Trance of the Hypnost
Cleric 1
Range: 400′ + 40’level
Duration: Concentration up to 10 minutes/level
With this spell the Hypnost enters a deep trance, during which he cannot move, speak or take any other action. While in the trance, the priest is highly attuned to the powers and forces in the surrounding area. As such, the trance allows him to discover whether any supernatural or magical effects are at work in the area. For each round the priest remains in the trance, he or she feels the presence of any one undead, curse, haunting, or permanent magical effect provided this is in the area of effect. The priest is able to determine the general type of thing contacted (natural spirit, evil haunting, etc.), but cannot communicate with it in any way or gain any other information about it. For example, the party stops at a deserted temple for the night. The Hypnost enters into a trance, hoping to learn if supernatural forces are at work here. From the trance he learns that an evil spirit is haunting the temple. So prepared, the party can ready appropriate defenses or leave.
When a Hypnost priest seeks deeper insight beyond the normal trance, he may enter an altered state of consciousness, extending the spell’s duration to 1 turn/level. To do so, the priest must combine the Trance spell with Commune, engaging in ritual preparations such as the use of incense, sacred herbs, drugs, or self-induced deprivation (fasting, sensory isolation, or rhythmic chanting). This heightened trance state allows the priest to attune themselves more profoundly to the unseen forces around them.
In this profound altered state, the Hypnost receives not only the normal detection of undead, curses, hauntings, and magical effects, but also fragmented glimpses of the hidden spiritual struggle behind them. This insight does not come in clear words or direct answers, but rather in symbolic visions, emotions, or impressions granted by the True Spirit. These revelations are not always straightforward, and interpreting them requires wisdom and faith, as the evil powers of the world may attempt to deceive, sending false visions to mislead the priest.
This form of Deep Trance is dangerous, for prolonged exposure to these revelations may weaken the Hypnost’s hold on the physical world, causing disorientation, exhaustion, or even temporary insanity if they are not spiritually prepared. Nonetheless, it remains one of the most sacred practices among the Hypnosts, a rare and potent way to pierce the veil of the physical world and glimpse the truth beyond. After every turn spent in deep trance, the priest makes a save versus death, adding his wisdom bonus. On failure, the trance ends and the priest suffers from a Confusion spell for a time equal to that spent in deep trance.
Free Will
Cleric 2
Range: touch
Duration: instantaneous
This spell breaks all enchantments, charms, or effects affecting the will or the mind of the target of the incantation. By means of this spell, the spellcaster immediately ends the effect of all charm and hold spells. If any such spells affecting a being’s free will are cast upon a priest who has prayed for and received but has not yet cast a free will spell, the priest has the option of immediately casting the free will spell, assuming she or he has not yet performed any action during the current round. The decision whether or not to cast the free will spell must be made before any saving throws are rolled or magic resistance is checked. Casting a free will spell in this fashion counts as the priest’s action for the current round.
Divine Truth
Cleric 3
Range: self
Duration: 1 turn
This spell allows the caster to determine a truth about one thing or matter. The caster concentrates, placing in his mind a series of figures and images that, when interpreted, may yield the guidance that he or she is seeking. The chance of a meaningful answer is 75%, plus 1% per level of the caster, to a maximum of 95%. Any question can be asked, but as the questions become more complex, the DM should make the answers more allegorical and cryptic. As the priest advances in level, the answers should become clearer. With respect to other creatures or characters, the DM should compare their Hit Dice or levels to the caster’s when deciding how much to reveal. Likewise, with respect to magical items, the DM should consider the level of the creator, the power of the item, and the importance of the item to campaign events when framing a response.
Once an answer has been received, the spell ends. Multiple castings of this spell will not generally add to the caster’s knowledge unless significant developments have occurred since a previous casting.
Negative Plane Protection
Cleric 3
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 turn/caster level
This spell adds protection against negative energy such that produced by the touch of a wraith. The protected subject who would otherwise suffer a negative level may make a save versus death to neutralize one negative level. On success, the energies cancel each other, producing a bright flash and thunderclap. The attacking undead creature suffers 2d6 damage.
The protection is proof against any level of negative energy and is dispelled even if the saving throw fails. Any damage inflicted by the attack is not affected, whether the save fails or not. You may cast any number of protections on a subject.
Strength of the Anointed One
Cleric 3
Range: 30 feet
Duration: 2d6 rounds
The cleric joins hands with up to 1 + level/2 faithful companions in a prayer circle. Upon completion, a heavenly glow surrounds them all. For the duration of the spell, the highest natural strength bonus among them is applied to all. The strength bonus applies to damage (melee and slings), carrying capacity, opening doors, and wrestling. It does not apply to attack rolls. Affected creatures must have faith in The Anointed One and be human, demihuman or humanoid of man-size or smaller.
Magic User 1
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 round/caster level
The subject gleams with magical energy, adding an extra measure of luck for the duration of the spell. Add +1 to all saving throws.
Detect Secret Doors
Magic User 1
Range: 60 feet
Duration: 1 minute/caster level while concentrating
The caster concentrates, casting his eyes about him, seeing hidden doors, including small compartments constructed for the purpose of concealment. The longer concentration continues, the more information the caster gains.
In the first round, the presence of any hidden doors becomes known to the caster as a faint wave of heat or absence of such if nothing hidden is within range. Hidden portals beyond walls cannot be detected, though light material such as cloth will not.
In the second round, the location of each hidden portal may be felt as a projection of warmth. If the portal can be seen, it will also glow faintly, visible only to the caster.
Each additional round spent concentrating will reveal the triggering mechanism to open one of the detected doors.
Tienarth’s Transferred Shield
Magic User 2
Range: touch
Duration: 5 rounds+1/level
This spell operates exactly like the 1st level Shield spell except that it is applied to any touched creature. It was imagined by the renowned mage, Tienarth.
Magic User 1
Range: touch
Duration: 1 round
This spell reveals the enchantment on a magic item. The caster handles the the item according to its purpose, such as placing a ring upon his finger, triggering any magical properties. The chance to discover one magical property of the item is 15% + 5%/level. On success, one general property becomes known or that there are no more knowable properties. Non-magical items are detected as such automatically.
The general aspects of a magic item that can be discovered include one of the effects produced, how to activate an effect, and limitations on use. A +1 longsword, +2 vs dragons has two effects. A wand of fireball may require speaking a command word. A ring of charm monster may work three times a day.
Some magical items resist analyzing. These include cursed items and great artifacts.
Magic User 1
Range: 25 feet + 5 feet/2 levels
Duration: 10 rounds/level
This spell instantly increases the size of one creature or object in both size and mass. The target grows up to 10% / caster level to a maximum of double size. Weight increases by the cube of size increase. Equipment worn or carried by a target creature is also enlarged. If so growing is constrained by weak material, it bursts, else growth stops. Creatures are never harmed by growing inside a small area.
Magical properties are not increased, neither are hit points, armor class or stat bonuses. Effective strength is increased as well as damage dealt by melee attacks. Multiple base damage by the growth factor then apply all applicable bonuses. For example, a fighter enlarged by 80% who normally does 1d8 damage plus +1 due to STR rolls a 6, making 12 damage (6 times 1.8 is 10.8 rounded to 11 plus one more).
Unseen Servant
Magic User 1
Range: 25′ + 5’/2 levels
Duration: 6 turns + 1 turn/level
An invisible spirit appears to follow the instructions of the caster. It must It may exert up to 20lbs of force in any direction, allowing it to lift or push light objects. It can perform simple actions such as sweeping a broom or sewing with needle and thread. The force can move 15’/round and must remain within range of the caster or dissipate. It cannot fight in combat and may be automatically struct by attackers, being destroyed if it takes 6 damage.
Cali’s Curing Verse (Cure Moderate Wounds)
Magic User 1
Range: touch
Duration: 1 round
The caster sings a four-line poem while placing both hands on the target, healing 2d6+1 damage.
Burning Hands
Magic User 1
Range: 15 feet
Duration: 1 round
A fan of flames shoots out from the caster’s hands to a length of 3′. Any creature touched by the flames suffers 1 hp damage per caster level. Anything able to burn may catch fire.
Silent Image
Magic User 1
Range: 400 feet + 40 feet/level
Duration: while concentrating
The caster summons the vision of any object up to a volume of 400 square feet + 100 square feet/level. The image may move at any speed within the allowed range. Viewers may save versus spells +WIS if interaction such a way to strain belief, such as not feeling heat from the illusion of flame.
Summon Monster I
Magic User 3
Range: 25 feet + 5 ft./2 levels
Duration: 2 rounds + 1 round/level
In 1D4 rounds, 2D4 HD 1 creatures appear at any spot chosen by the caster within range. The caster can command summoned creatures to attack or perform any task according to capability. The creatures appearing are chosen at random from the following list.
- Giant Bee
- Giant Centipede
- Goblin
- Hawk
- Kobold
- Giant Rat
- Rat
- Rot Grub
- Human Bandit
- Giant Fire Beetle
- Deer
- Dog
- Gnome
- Hobgoblin
- Orc
- Pony
- Giant Shrew
- Skeleton
- Pit Viper
- Stirge
Summon Monster II
Magic User 4
Range: 25 feet + 5 ft./2 levels
Duration: 3 rounds + 1 round/level
In 1D4 rounds, 1D6 HD 2 creatures appear at any spot chosen by the caster within range. The caster can command summoned creatures to attack or perform any task according to capability. The creatures appearing are chosen at random from the following list.
- Giant Bat
- Giant Bombardier Beetle
- Camel
- Giant Cave Locust
- Caveman
- Cheetah
- Crocodile
- Donkey
- Giant Fly
- Giant Frog
- Ghoul
- Gnoll
- Harpy
- Insect Swarm 2 HD
- Lizard Man
- Giant Rattlesnake
- Giant Crab Spider
- Troglodyte
- Wolf
- Zombie
Summon Monster III
Magic User 5
Range: 25 feet + 5 ft./2 levels
Duration: 4 rounds + 1 round/level
In 1D4 rounds, 1D4 HD 3 creatures appear at any spot chosen by the caster within range. The caster can command summoned creatures to attack or perform any task according to capability. The creatures appearing are chosen at random from the following list.
- Giant Tiger Beetle
- Boar
- Bugbear
- Giant Crab
- Elk
- Gray Ooze
- Hell Hound
- Hippogriff
- War Horse
- Insect Swarm 3 HD
- Crystal Living Statue
- Giant Gecko Lizard
- Wererat
- Moose
- Mountain Lion
- Shrieker
- Sea Snake
- Giant Black Widow Spider
- Tentacle Worm
- Wight
Owl’s Wisdom
Magic User 2
Range: touch
Duration: 1 minute/level
The target becomes wiser, increasing the the WIS bonus by 4.